Space Challenges is one of the biggest educational programs in the field of space science and high technologies in Europe. The program has revolved around three key components: science, technology and entrepreneurship, and is completely practice-oriented. GrNSS, by collaborating with Association Tsiolkovsky, offers Greek students the opportunity to participate in the Space Challenges Program, expand their knowledge and experience in the field of space science and technology.
If you are interested in participating in the new season of the Space Challenges Program, sign up today!
Space Challenges Program enables participants coming from diverse backgrounds to learn together, form research collaborations, and launch space-related enterprises based on common interests and expertise gained during the program. So, anyone interested, who also complies with the Space Cadets rules, may apply to participate. More information about program’s rules can be found here.
* To be eligible to receive financial support from Greek NewSpace Society, you should be a registered member.
Space Challenges Alumni
"Space Challenges Program was a unique experience! Through my participation, I had the opportunity to collaborate with bright minds, meet experts of the space sector and improve my knowledge on space technology and science."

"Space Challenges Program is a well-organised, short-duration educative accellerator for anyone who wants to dive deeper into the Space sciences, satellite tech and NewSpace business opportunities. With the help of experts, it encourages insightful problem solving, interdisciplinary collaboration, cultural stimulation and the idea that Space is closer than you think!"

"The experience of working with an international, multidisciplinary team was immensely rewarding. Through the program I explored my interest in systems architecture, Space Missions technical documentation and payload design."